Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring is here? Yeah, right!

First day of spring...
That would be Wednesday, March 20th. Yeah, they say it's officially spring, but you can't really tell by the frigid temperatures. It's still so cold that the last time I even stepped out the door was Sunday afternoon, March 17th. Yes, it was St. Patrick's Day, but I did not go to a parade or anything like that, I just went outside to try and get some fresh air because I thought it was going to be nice, but by the time I returned from a short 20 minute walk, I was about frozen through.

The best part about winter...
Well, since I don't hardly ever have to go out in the winter time, I guess the only good thing to say about it, is that I don't have to go out in it. On second thought, there are two good things about winter... it's also kind of pretty when there is snow on the trees. I say kind of, because that can also be a problem if the snow gets too heavy on the limbs and they fall and bring down electrical wires. Yikes, I do not like being without electricity since the dentist chair I sit in requires electricity and if that does not work, then I have to lie in bed until it returns.

Should be our last snow of the season...
Monday, around 10:20, it started snowing again. The weather forecasters made it sound really bad, but by the time it ended at around 1:00, we may have gotten two inches. Below are some pictures that were taken across the street from our home at the St. Louis Catholic Church. The snow covered the grass and cement, but the road and parking lot was clear.

It wasn't over yet...
But then Monday evening, March 25th, it started snowing again, sometime after 7:00. I guess the snow in the morning and afternoon was just a tease, because Tuesday morning when we woke up, we found the following (see picture below) - about six more inches. As the day went on, we probably got another three to four inches. My brother Bob is squatting, not standing behind that pile of snow. He was shoveling when my friend and aide, Dianne, took his picture. A few feet from Bob is a blue scoop shovel that I found on the internet. Bob and Rick, my other brother, have been using it and they like it because they do not have to shovel and pick up the heavy snow to move it, but they stand behind it, and push the snow away with their arms and legs and then unload it off the driveway.

Where the heck is spring?
The only reason I am reporting about this snowfall, is because it's supposed to be spring and I have really been looking forward to warmer weather so I can get out and walk all the time instead of just once a week. So, this afternoon I decided to get out again so I bundled up a little more than usual and walked about 45 minutes. I was wearing an extra sweater under my hooded jacket and I had socks on my hands. Yes, you read right - I said socks. I know that sounds very strange, but I can not wear mittens and especially not gloves because the rheumatoid arthritis has adversely affected my hands to the point that using socks is the only thing that works.

Getting out to walk again...
I really hope that the last snow was the last snow because I am so tired of this winter weather. In my humble opinion, it stinksaroni. I know, that word doesn't  exist in Webster's dictionary, but it's better than saying some other really bad word. Getting out much more frequently and walking every day with warm weather is kind of a dream come true at this point. I enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, exercise and yes, even sweating, because when I'm doing all of these things, I am also getting stronger and healthier.

Weighty concerns...
I weighed myself last week and I'm up to 125 pounds. Even though I'm 5' 9", that may not seem like a lot, but having rheumatoid arthritis and a smaller bone frame, that's about 15 pounds more that I would like to weigh. Weighing 110 instead would just feel better and my clothes would also feel more loose too. I don't have a problem buying food and supplements, but when it comes to clothes, I usually buy most of my clothes at Good Will because they are much more less expensive.

First day of summer...
That day is going to be Friday, June 21st. I know, I'm jumping the gun a bit, because first we need to get a lot better spring weather before we can get on with summer. Hey, you can't blame me for looking ahead. What else do we have to look forward to but more snow? YUCK!!! I say, come on sunshine, we're waiting for you!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Woohoo!!! Happy New Year!!!

Out with the old and in with the new...
Yep, it's that time of year again, to celebrate the beginning of yet another year. I don't know about you, but 2012 went by a little too fast for me.

My favorite times of the year...
I'm not a big fan of the winter months, mostly because I just cannot get outside when there's snow, ice and frigid temperatures. BURRRRR!!! On the other hand, I really prefer spring, summer and fall, with April, May, June, September and October being my favorite months. The reason I left out July and August is because when it gets up to 85° and higher, sometimes the heat can be a bit overwhelming and I'm also not fond of becoming overly sweaty. Since I enjoy walking outside and I don't really like having to wear a coat when walking with my elbow crutches, that is why I prefer temps ranging from 65° to 75°.

Sharing my family life...
Since I started this blog July, 2006, I have primarily focused it on my own personal life, but that is going to change this year. Within the next few weeks, I am going to start sharing pictures and stories of my parents, Alvin and Joann (Meyer) Bensman and five siblings: Richard (Dick), Robert (Bob), Ruth, Russell (Russ), and Roderick (Rick). My parents were married on November 27, 1952 and they shared 49 years of their lives together until my dad passed away on July 28, 2002 from a combination of emphysema and congestive heart failure.

The name of my blog...
When I started this blog and decided that I wanted to call it, "Walking with God by my side", it was and still is how I truly feel about God being a part of my daily life. He has truly guided me throughout my life, giving me the strength and determination to overcome many obstacles. I cannot do anything without Him and feel so fortunate and blessed with everything He has given me and for everyone whom He has brought into my life over the years. He is an amazing God and for that, I am so incredibly grateful.

Listening to God speak to my heart...
Over the last couple of months I have wanted to share this with anyone who reads my blog. To tell you the truth, I have not even shared this with my family and friends, so I am revealing it here for the first time. Believe me, I was just as skeptical as you are now when I first heard about the possibility of God speaking to my heart and me transcribing the messages from Him. It's really very simple. I just sit quietly and do not let my own thoughts take over, but let God speak to me. I do not hear an audible voice, but God comes into my heart and speaks as loud and clear as if He was sitting right next to me.

Below is a message that I would like to share with you here for the very first time:

Dear Rebecca,

I do appreciate you taking this opportunity of sharing your blog about how you listen to My messages to you. I do speak to your heart and everyone's heart every single day that they take a breath. It's My unique opportunity to share with them how I feel about their very existence, which is always very precious to Me. It goes without saying that I wish everyone would take the opportunity of listening to Me talk to them also, so maybe in your own way you will start a trend of sorts.

I wish the very best for all of My children, but sadly sin and misguiding ways are a treachery to so many people. Unfortunately, so many people do not take their moral obligation to live a life of righteousness seriously, you included. Everyone has room for improvement, including the ability to become a better person throughout the span of their life. It is never, I repeat, never too late to turn away from sin, any and all sin, and turn to Me as a guiding light of protection, love, true guidance and belief that when people trust and believe in My ways of love, hope and charity, they can do the most amazing things in their life.

I want, I always want my children to be self reliant and self sufficient, but when people steer away from what is truth and light and turn to darkness and sadness, they are going in the deepest and worst part that life is offering, which is Satan's ways. He wants, no, he is constantly pulling at the hearts of humanity and I strive every single moment of every single person to keep away from Satan's darkness. If you and every one on earth would do one simple thing, to seek the light and kindness of My most loving heart, there would be no more wars, no more abortion and more importantly everyone would be at peace with themselves and the world around them.

Love really does make the world go around and it saddens Me deeply when people, for the sake of My love, criticize true love and true happiness and seek the dark side of life. It is my hearts desire that as 2013 begins, everyone would pray to Me more often, sin much less, but when they do sin, turn to Me and ask for forgiveness for I am the one God who loves everyone unconditionally.

I created mankind to have a conscious for I want them to know when they are wrong. Guilt, in many ways is a good thing for it has turned many, many people away from the dark side and to Me, the brightest light that was ever created in the universe. Nothing has ever shined brighter, and nothing will ever shine brighter.

So for those who are reading this and are skeptical of the message being typed by my daughter in Christ, Rebecca, it is true, it is authentic and it is real. I am the true God who loves you now and will love you forever. Now please take your own opportunity to sit down at a computer or a writing tablet and as you listen with your heart, you too will hear Me talking to you. It is not difficult for I live there in the deepest recesses of your heart, which is pure and enlightened with My true love for you.

Now go in peace my children and remember to always trust Me, love Me and share the message of My love to your friends, neighbors and relatives. Everyone has an opportunity to listen to Me and hear what they need to hear from Me. It is possible. Just go and believe and you will find My love lives deep inside of you too.

Back to you, from me, Becky...
I just wanted to point out that as I typed the above message from God, I made many typographical errors (which I corrected), because even though I am hearing God speak to my heart, my hands and eyes still do not type correctly. I never changed a word that I heard and simply listened word by word as I heard the message from God.

I believe this is a gift that God gives to all of us. I hope you will do as God asked and listen to your heart as I did mine. May God bless you and your families in 2013.