Saturday, April 17, 2010

January 28, 2005 - Abby's 4th Show

I didn't realize that Abby did three videos in a row, November 2004, December 2004 and January 2005 and then almost five years later went by before I finally did the latest on December 31, 2009. Way too much time went by that I wish I would have video taped her more often. I'm going to try to make it a point to do more video taping at least twice a year from now on.

Now, from January 28, 2005, in a two-parter, I proudly re-introduce my only niece, Abigail Lyn Bensman!

I made a music video with still shots from the above two-part video. I used one of Abby's and my favorite songs , I'm Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves.

Abby's 3rd Show - December 2004

Abby was on Christmas vacation from kindergarten when she did this video so that is why she showed some of the decorations she made. My friend and home health care aide, Dianne, helped record after her shift was over because that way Rick could be in the video too. The video recording that Abby was referring to, which her dad did, was the school Christmas program.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Abby's 2nd Show from November 2004

Yikes, the last time I blogged was February 14th, almost two months ago. I thought about entering a post much sooner, but I got kind of sidetracked with trying to back-up my hard drive so I could switch over to another system software. I have Apple's Panther right now, but since YouTube has upgraded their website and does not support Panther anymore, I purchased the Tiger version, which is right after Panther. (Two more versions also came out - Leopard and Snow Leopard.) You would think that upgrading would be an easy decision, but some of the software I have now will no longer work with the latest version so that's why I went with Tiger. I am still able to watch things on YouTube, but it's very slow, with the action not matching the words.

My niece Abby did her second show November 2004 when she was five. I won't elaborate on it too much, just to say that it's fun to watch her back then and to see how much she's grown over the years. She's enjoyed drawing since she was able to hold a writing utensil in her hand, but I also think she has a real knack for being in front of the camera. Who knows, maybe she'll be an artist and actress when she gets older.