Driving Miss Becky...
Friday, March 25th was an amazing day. First of all, I thought it was going to be just another ordinary afternoon of catching up on some projects in my office, but instead it turned out to be an extraordinary day of getting out with my girlfriend, Mary Ann.
A very special birthday...
First of all, it was Mary Ann's birthday, a birthday that is also on the feast of the Annunciation of our Lord, which celebrates the angel Gabriel's appearance to the Virgin Mary, his announcement that the Blessed Virgin had been chosen to be the Mother of Our Lord, and Mary's willing acceptance of God's holy plan. (I found this on the internet, because I could not explain it nearly as well.) Nine months later on December 25th, we celebrate Christmas. It also just so happens that Mary Ann was named after our Blessed Mother Mary and Mary's mother Ann.
Father James Trick has the gift of healing...
First Mary Ann and I went to the St. Charles Seminary, near Carthagena, to see Father James Trick. For many years, Father Trick has has been having healing services in surrounding communities and has helped countless number of people with spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Even though Father Trick has Parkinson's and has a very difficult time walking, he came to see me last year when I was recovering from the foot surgery and he gave me a special blessing. By the time I was able to walk last November, the winter weather was too bad to get out so yesterday was the first time in many months that I was able to venture out and I really made the best of it. Father Trick once again anointed me with oil and gave me a special blessing.
A cottage on the lake...
After visiting Father Trick, Mary Ann and I went to Montezuma to check out a cottage owned by Mary Ann and her husband Steve. They have put a lot of hard work into fixing the place up and now it's a real gem.
God speaks to Jackie...
From Montezuma, we drove to Minster's St. Augustine church, where Mary Ann's niece Jackie made an unexpected visit last week and felt the very strong presence of God as He helped her with a health problem that she has had for many years.
Where Our Blessed Mother has cried...
Then we traveled back to St. Sebastian church where a parishioner, who's name is also Becky, saw the Blessed Virgin Mary statue cry a few years ago.
Seeking inner peace...
At both churches, I prayed to God to help me release pent up frustrations and anger that have been bothering me since 2008. I want more than anything to have inner peace and joy and I know God will help me overcome these feelings.
Happy, Happy, Birthday Mary Ann!!!
I hope you and Steve had an enjoyable evening out together. You made my day so very special just by sharing our friendship and building our faith. May God bless you and Steve, now and forever!
Friday, March 25th was an amazing day. First of all, I thought it was going to be just another ordinary afternoon of catching up on some projects in my office, but instead it turned out to be an extraordinary day of getting out with my girlfriend, Mary Ann.
A very special birthday...
First of all, it was Mary Ann's birthday, a birthday that is also on the feast of the Annunciation of our Lord, which celebrates the angel Gabriel's appearance to the Virgin Mary, his announcement that the Blessed Virgin had been chosen to be the Mother of Our Lord, and Mary's willing acceptance of God's holy plan. (I found this on the internet, because I could not explain it nearly as well.) Nine months later on December 25th, we celebrate Christmas. It also just so happens that Mary Ann was named after our Blessed Mother Mary and Mary's mother Ann.
Father James Trick has the gift of healing...
First Mary Ann and I went to the St. Charles Seminary, near Carthagena, to see Father James Trick. For many years, Father Trick has has been having healing services in surrounding communities and has helped countless number of people with spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Even though Father Trick has Parkinson's and has a very difficult time walking, he came to see me last year when I was recovering from the foot surgery and he gave me a special blessing. By the time I was able to walk last November, the winter weather was too bad to get out so yesterday was the first time in many months that I was able to venture out and I really made the best of it. Father Trick once again anointed me with oil and gave me a special blessing.
A cottage on the lake...
After visiting Father Trick, Mary Ann and I went to Montezuma to check out a cottage owned by Mary Ann and her husband Steve. They have put a lot of hard work into fixing the place up and now it's a real gem.
God speaks to Jackie...
From Montezuma, we drove to Minster's St. Augustine church, where Mary Ann's niece Jackie made an unexpected visit last week and felt the very strong presence of God as He helped her with a health problem that she has had for many years.
Where Our Blessed Mother has cried...
Then we traveled back to St. Sebastian church where a parishioner, who's name is also Becky, saw the Blessed Virgin Mary statue cry a few years ago.
Seeking inner peace...
At both churches, I prayed to God to help me release pent up frustrations and anger that have been bothering me since 2008. I want more than anything to have inner peace and joy and I know God will help me overcome these feelings.
Happy, Happy, Birthday Mary Ann!!!
I hope you and Steve had an enjoyable evening out together. You made my day so very special just by sharing our friendship and building our faith. May God bless you and Steve, now and forever!