Friday, June 29, 2012

Helping Our Blessed Mother by praying the Holy Rosary...

For too many years, our country and the world have been in a battle of good verses evil. When it comes right down to it, Satan is sitting at the helm, steering us down a very hazardous path with the injustice of abortion and the immorality of same sex marriage taking the forefront.

It's all very sad and scary, BUT there is some really good news. We DO NOT have to accept the way things are any longer. We can fight against Satan and the unruly tyranny that he is inflicting on us. The one thing that truly sends Satan running to his hellish home, are our prayers, with the Holy Rosary in particular.

We have all heard of Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje, for these are all well known cities where Our Blessed Mother Mary has appeared to men, women and children. There is also a lesser known apparition sight called Holy Love Shrine, located near Cleveland, Ohio, where Maureen Kyle-Sweeney, has seen Our Blessed Mother, Jesus and many angels and saints for over 20 years. Since Bishop Richard Lennon, who is in charge of the Diocese of Cleveland, did not give his personal "blessing", the shrine is considered an ecumenical place of worship, which is actually a good thing, because many non-Catholics have also felt welcome and congregated to the shrine, producing many conversions back to God and resulted in many people being healed.

After visiting the website, clicking on the Messages tab, and reading the very first message from 2012, I felt overwhelmingly loved, supported, joyful, comforted, protected, blessed and I even had goose bumps. Read Our Blessed Mother's message for yourself and you'll see what I mean.

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January 1, 2012 
Feast of Mary, Mother of God


Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." (Our Lady is in white and gold.)

She says: "Dear children, it is important that you realize that abortion is the key issue which is bringing about the demise of mankind. If abortion was defeated, the path of reconciliation between the heart of the world and God the Father would be laid bare. Then you would see wars cease, economies stabilize under righteous leadership, moral degeneration reversed, disease and famine greatly resolved and natural, as well as man-made disasters, lessen."

"For I tell you, evil begets evil. Remember, dear children, one Hail Mary said from the heart can stop wars, heal diseases, change hearts and bring victory of righteousness over evil. Therefore, I have come to mobilize an Army of Prayer - not just here, but around the world. I call it ONE ROSARY A DAY FOR LIFE. This is your Heavenly Mother's call to arms. Be united in this effort, dear children, as I call you to be. Jesus and I will help you spread 'One Rosary a Day for Life' around the world."

"You do not need anyone's approval to pray or to evangelize prayer. You should encourage people from every part of the world to enlist in this 'army' of prayer."

"I am always your Mother, your support, your partner in all that is good; but this Army of Prayer must be spread quickly to be effective - and, so, it is My most precious and personal project."
"Make it known."
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So, it's that simple. Praying the Rosary every day for the rest of your life can bring about the end of abortion and as Our Blessed Mother says... "you would see wars cease, economies stabilize under righteous leadership, moral degeneration reversed, disease and famine greatly resolved and natural, as well as man-made disasters, lessen."and, "one Hail Mary said from the heart can stop wars, heal diseases, change hearts and bring victory of righteousness over evil."

We can do this, I know we can!!! Just 20 minutes a day for one Rosary is not asking for a lot. God created us in the womb and gave us 24 hours a day, every day since we were born. Just start today and sit down with your family and pray together. You don't have to kneel, just sit in a chair, and peacefully enjoy the time with your family as you recite the Holy Rosary together.
I have been praying the Rosary off and on since my mid-twenties, but I still get confused as to the order of the mysteries, so to also help you, click here and you can download a pdf file explaining in more detail how to pray the Rosary. It is free to print and share with others, as is noted at the bottom of the page.

Our Blessed Mother, Herself, has promised us that praying the Rosary can and will change the world we are living in, but we have to take the step of faith by doing our part. Do it for Our Blessed Mother and do it for yourself and your family and friends, especially young children, teenagers and future children yet to be born. Our future and future generations literally depends on us praying the Rosary and then we will see our world change and miracles happen.
If you would like to read more messages, you can go to:

Click here to see Maureen visiting Pope John Paul II and giving him the Holy and Divine Love messages.

Thank you for your time and may God richly bless us all with His love and protection.

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